B. Alziary and P. Takáč
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F. Avram, R. Adenane, D. Goreac and A. Halanay
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I. Baldomá, E. Lanchares and M. Ollé
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C. E. Bréhier, D. Cohen and J. Ulander
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A. Camón, J. Castillo-Mateo, J. Asín and A. C. Cebrián
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F. Caubet, C. Conca, M. Dambrine and R. Zelada
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F. Caubet, J. Ghantous and C. Pierre
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T. Chacón Rebollo, E. Delgado Ávila, M. Gómez Mármol and S. Rubino
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C. Clavero and J. C. Jorge
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J. Cresson and L. Boudjellal
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J. Cresson and R. Safi
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J. Delgado, H. Orera and J. M. Peña
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F. Dubois, H. C. Ramírez-de-Ávila and J. A. Rojas-Quintero
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G. Hauke and J. Lanzarote
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M. Kassan, G. Carbou and M. Jazar
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V. Lanchares, A. I. Pascual, M. Iñarrea and A. Elipe
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Y. Privat
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