logo of the Univof Zaragoza

Thirteenth International Conference


on Mathematics and its Applications

Jaca, 15-18 September 2014      Conference poster

logo of the Univ. of Pau et Pays de l'Adour



The official language of the conference is English.



All communications can be oral or in the form of a poster.

Abstracts, which should be no longer than one page, must be written in English and the deadline for the submissions is July 11. You will receive by e-mail a notification of the acceptance of your abstract. Please use the abstract submission template file provided: abstractXIIIJZP14.tex.

The abstracts must be sent through the Abstract Submission page. Note that you must log in your user name and your password in order to submit an abstract. Only one of the registered authors (the Corresponding Author) of the abstract must send it through the Abstract Submission page.

Planned time for a contributed talk is 30 minutes (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). Standard equipment will be available for each presentation.

For poster presentation everyone has a panel of 841width × 1188 height mm2 (DIN A0 size). You can use the template file provided: posterexemple.tex; alternatively, you can get a template of portrait mode in Poster template



A volume of conference proceedings compiling selected papers will be published after a refereeing process by a scientific committee. The papers, which should be no longer than 10 pages, must be sent before February 15, 2015.
Please use the contributed paper template file: model.tex.
Perhaps, you need to consult some of the following files: guide.pdf, jaca.cls, bibmodel.bib, acmurl.bst