Prospective mini-symposium organizers must send an email to
jacaconference@unizar.es before April 29th including the title, the name of the organizers and the participants.
- MS 1.- Title: PDEs in fluid mechanics
Organizers: C. Amrouche (UPPA)
Participants: R. Lewandovski (Rennes), G. Leloup (Rennes), M.A. Rodriguez Bellido (Sevilla), I. Boussetouane (Annaba), N. Aibeche (Sétif), K. Ammari (Monastir, Tunisie), P. Takác (Rostock), I. Schindler (Toulouse)
- MS 2.- Title: PDEs in ferromagnetism
Organizers: G. Carbou (UPPA)
Participants: G. Carbou (UPPA), L. Godard-Cadillac (Bordeaux INP), S. Labbé (Sorbonne Université)
- MS 3.- Title: Applications, models and numerical resolution of problems in partial differential equations
Organizers: C. Clavero (U. Zaragoza) and J.L. Gracia (U. Zaragoza)
Participants: S. Ahmed Khan (U. Politécnica de Cataluña), C. Caballero (U. Málaga), I. Gómez (U. Málaga), J.C. Jorge (U. Pública de Navarra), P. Solans-Fustero (U. Zaragoza)
- MS 4.- Title: HPC and particle methods
Organizers: J.M. Etancelin (UPPA)
Participants: S. Yaskovets (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), J. Stark (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics),
P. Balty (Université Catholique de Louvain), J.M. Etancelin (UPPA)
- MS 5.- Title: Algebra and Geometry
Organizers: V. Florens (UPPA) and J. Vallès (UPPA)
Participants: G. Comaschi (UPPA), E. Artal (U. Zaragoza), M. Manouras (UPPA), J. Martin (U. Zaragoza), J. Viu-Sos (U. Politécnica de Madrid), M. González-Villa (U. Zaragoza)
- MS 6.- Title: Optimization
Organizers: J.A. Iranzo (U. Zaragoza)
Participants: B. Álvarez (U. Zaragoza), S. Anglada (U. Zaragoza), A Hernández (U. Zaragoza).
- MS 7.- Title: Dynamical Systems: Techniques and Applications
Organizers: J.A. Jover-Galtier (U. Zaragoza), C. Mayora-Cebollero (U. Zaragoza)
Participants: P. Álvarez (U. Oviedo), D. Casanova (CUD Zaragoza), O. Cattell (University of Nottingham), J.A. Jover-Galtier (U. Zaragoza), A. Mayora-Cebollero (U. Zaragoza), C. Mayora-Cebollero (U. Zaragoza), D. Noriega (U. Oviedo), R. Vigara (U. Zaragoza)
- MS 8.- Title: Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications
Organizers: Y. Khiar (U. Zaragoza) and E. Royo (U. Zaragoza)
Participants: H. Orera (U. Zaragoza), P. Díaz (U. Zaragoza), E. Royo (U. Zaragoza)
- MS 9.- Title: Pedagogical initiatives: from training to mathematical dissemination at primary level
Organizers: L. Lévi (UPPA) and G. Vallet (UPPA)
Participants: M. Lalaude-Labayle (Lycée Louis Barthou), V. Douce (UPPA), F. Abadie (Lycée Louis Barthou), O. Delord (Lycée Louis Barthou)
- MS 10.- Title: Modelling in Statistics and Applied Probability
Organizers: C. Paroissin (UPPA), G. Badía (UNIZAR), C. Sangüesa (UNIZAR)
Participants: M. Pereda Vivo (UPPA), A. Aurensanz (UNIZAR), E. Barrio (UNIZAR), C. Paroissin (UPPA), G. Badía (UNIZAR), C. Sangüesa (UNIZAR)
- MS 11.- Title: Inverse problems and electric tomography impedance
Organizers: Charles Pierre (UPPA)
Participants: L. Weynans (Bordeaux), N. Nasr (Saint-Etienne), C. Pierre (UPPA), J. Fehrenbach (U. Toulouse)
- MS 12.- Title: Mathematical modelling and numerical techniques for porous media applications
Organizers: C. Rodrigo (U. Zaragoza), Á. Pé de la Riva (U. Zaragoza), E. Javierre (U. Zaragoza)
Participants: J. Zaratiegui (U. Zaragoza), J. Magagnin (U. Federal do Panamá), E. Javierre (U. Zaragoza), Á. Pé de la Riva (U. Zaragoza)
- MS 13.- Title: Modeling and Computing complex reactive microscale flows
Organizers: P. Poncet (UPPA)
Participants: J. Stark (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), S. Perez (Université d'Heriot-Watt), E. Ahusborde (UPPA), J. Racot (UPPA), D. Garcia-Navarro (UNIZAR)
- MS 14.- Title: Nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations and applications for flows in complex situations
Organizers: G. Vallet (UPPA)
Participants: K. Schmitz (Univ. Essen), N. Sapountzoglou (Univ. Clausthal), G. Vallet (UPPA)