


Prospective mini-symposium organizers must send an email to before April 22nd including the title, the name of the organizers and the participants.

The following mini-symposia (MS) have been organized:

  • MS 1.- Title: Parabolic problems in natural sciences, engineering and economics
    Organizers: B. Alziary (U. Toulouse I) and P. Takáč (U. Rostock)
    Participants: B. Alziary (U. Toulouse I), M. Cuesta, Sergey Shmarev and P. Takáč (U. Rostock)
  • MS 2.- Title: Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis for computational fluid dynamics
    Organizers: V. Llorente (U. Politécnica Madrid) and A. Navas (U. Zaragoza)
    Participants: I. Echeverribar (U. Zaragoza), J. Mairal (U. Zaragoza), S. Martínez (U. Zaragoza), A. Navas (U. Zaragoza), J. Nuñez de la Rosa (U. Politécnica Madrid), P. Solán (U. Zaragoza), P. Vallés (U. Zaragoza) and R. Zelada (UPPA).
  • MS 3.- Title: Partial differential equations and fluid mechanics
    Organizers: C. Amrouche (UPPA)
    Participants: T. Chacón Rebollo (U. Sevilla), R. Levandovski (U. Rennes) and M. A. Rodríguez-Bellido (U. Sevilla)
  • MS 4.- Title: Dynamics in epidemics, populations and cell models.
    Organizers: F. Avram (UPPA) and A. Lozano (U. Zaragoza)
    Participants: F. Avram (UPPA), R. Barrio (U. Zaragoza), J. Jover (U. Zaragoza) and A. Lozano (U. Zaragoza)
  • MS 5.- Title: Applications of fractional differential systems
    Organizers: J. Cresson (UPPA) and P.J. Miana (U. Zaragoza)
    Participants: J. Cresson (UPPA), P.J. Miana (U. Zaragoza), J. Oliva (U. Zaragoza) and A. Szafranska (Gdansk Tech)
  • MS 6.- Title: Discretizations and convergence of methods for boundary and initial value problems
    Organizers: C. Clavero (U. Zaragoza) and J.L. Gracia (U. Zaragoza)
    Participants: B. Cano (U. Valladolid), I. Gómez (U. Málaga), G. Hauke (U. Zaragoza) J.C. Jorge (U. Pública de Navarra) and I. Royo (U. Pública de Navarra)
  • MS 7.- Title: Reactive flows from the pore-scale to the reservoir-scale: methods and reliability
    Organizers: P. Poncet (UPPA)
    Participants: E. Ahusborde (UPPA), S. Molins (Berkeley National Laboratory) and S. Perez (UPPA)
  • MS 8 and 9. - Title: Probability & Statistics
    Organizers: C. Sangüesa (U. Zaragoza), S. Mercier (UPPA) and C. Paroissin (UPPA)
    Participants: J.A. Adell (U. Zaragoza), G. Badía (U. Zaragoza), A. Cámon (U. Zaragoza), M. Gómez (U. Zaragoza), S. Mercier (UPPA), C. Paroissin (UPPA), M. Pereda (UPPA) and C. Sangüesa (U. Zaragoza)
  • MS 10.- Title: Applications of mathematical programming
    Organizers: C. Galé (U. Zaragoza) and J.A. Iranzo (U. Zaragoza)
    Participants: M. Cildoz (U. Pública de Navarra) , J.A. Iranzo (U. Zaragoza) and P. Mateo (U. Zaragoza)
  • MS 11.- Title: Algebra & Geometry
    Organizers: E. Artal (U. Zaragoza) and J. Vallès (UPPA)
    Participants: C. Alquézar (U. Zaragoza), E. Elduque (U. Autónoma Madrid), M. Herradón (U. Autónoma Madrid), E. León-Cardenal, M. Manouras (UPPA), S. Marchesi (Univ. Barcelona) and J. Vallès (UPPA)